
JoiArt — 1st Edition

Fashion Mall - Rio de Janeiro - Mall Main Square — 20 to May 31, 2013
Anna C. H. e Kika Gama LoboAnna Clara Herrmann

The project of joining the jewelry design to art, conceived and directed by Anna Clara Herrmann in partnership with Kika Gama Lobo, had its first edition in May 2013. JoiArt 2013 presented jewelery created by successfull contemporary brazilian artists here and abroad and also special pieces from the mall jewelers. Mario Santos set up an art gallery at the mall main square.

The jewelers created exquisite pieces inspired in brazilian art. The jewels were donated for a auction to benefit the Marquês de Salamanca Institut. Artists: Áurea Sacilloto, Anna Bella Geiger, Ana Holck, Sergio Camargo, Amilcar de Castro, Ernesto Neto, Beatriz Milhazes, Arthur Luiz Piza, Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Carlos Vergara, Maria Carmen Perlingeiro and Waltercio Caldas showed their work.

Important art local people like: Vanda Klabin, Evangelina Seiler, Carlos Alberto Chateaubriand, Brenda Valansi, Romaric Büel, Patricia Fainziliber, Katia Leite Barbosa, Jackie de Botton, Antonia Jones Bergamin and Roberto Padilla were honored with portraits signed by the photographer Denise Leão.

The exhibition space